CIES 2019 Annual Meeting
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
5 Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States
RTI enjoyed participating in the 2019 CIES Annual Conference April 14-18 in San Francisco, CA. The theme of this year's conference was "Education for Sustainability."
RTI technical experts and project staff participated in over 40 sessions. A leader in the field, RTI's international education team of over 550 US and international staff uses evidence-based approaches to strengthen education policy, management, and practice at every level—from classrooms to national ministries—to achieve measurable improvement in education quality and, ultimately, learning outcomes.
Our experts' presentations from the conference are now available to view and download on SharEd, RTI's online resource for international education professionals. Please see below for a list of the presentations available for download.
Downloadable Presentations
Monday, April 15, 2019
Session: Governance, systems and policy for ECE programming
Presentation: Early Childhood Education: Evidence and considerations for programming in Asia
Presenter: Katherine Merseth
Session: Effective pedagogy in cultural context
Presentation: The role of children’s social and emotional competencies in effective teaching of Early Grade Reading in Tanzania
Presenter: Matthew Jukes
Session: Refugee education: SEL and language interventions for learning
Presentation: Language of Instruction and Refugee Learners: A Mixed-Methods Study of the Tusome Intervention and Language Options in Kakuma Refugee Camp
Presenter: Benjamin Piper
Session: Better “M” for better “E”: What is the price of data ownership?
Presentation: Getting to ownership and use of information: the case of Uganda in Ministry-led Early Grade Reading Assessment and Action Research
Presenter: Tracy Brunette
Session: Early childhood development programs at scale: examining the evidence for program and system effectiveness
Presentation: Longitudinal impacts of the medium-scale Tayari pre-primary intervention in Kenya: Resisting fadeout effects?
Presenter: Benjamin Piper
Session: Strengthening parenting and the role of caregivers: a sustainable approach to young children’s success in early childhood
Presentation: Testing two approaches to engaging parents of pre-primary students in Kenya
Presenter: Cat Henny
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Session: Public and private early childhood education in sub-Saharan Africa
Presentation: An examination of executive function skills in primary 1 students from Liberia
Presenter: Tara Weatherholt
Session: Investing in transition: a path to sustainable early childhood development and education
Presentation: A national study of over-enrollment and repetition in Primary 1 grade in Uganda: What’s the role of pre-primary?
Presenter: Tara Weatherholt
Session: The equity initiative: the role of gender in math acquisition
Presentation: Gender Patterns in Mathematics Achievement in the Early Years: Results from the Tayari Early Childhood Development Program in Kenya
Presenter: Benjamin Piper, Yasmin Sitabkhan
Session: What’s love got to do with it? Social and emotional skills in sustaining learning in low-income and post-conflict contexts
Presentation: Organizational culture and school climate matter in social and emotional learning
Presenter: Elizabeth Randolph
Session: Developing and using classroom observation instruments to improve early grade reading (EGR): experiences, lessons learned and guidance
Presentation: Users, functions and findings: The evolution of classroom observation tools for literacy instruction in Uganda
Presenter: Rachel Jordan
Session: Libraries to support literacy development: scale, sustainability and impact
Presentation: Extending literacy beyond the classroom: Youth groups and library partnerships for sustainability
Presenter: Brenda Anjuri, Jessica Mejia
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Session: Coaching to improve early grade reading instruction: evidence on effectiveness and sustainability
Presentation: Instructional coaching and literacy improvement at national scale: Lessons from Kenya’s Tusome early grade reading activity
Presenter: Timothy Slade
Session: Measuring school-related gender-based violence: tools, resources, and lessons learned
Presentation: Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview: Improving confidentiality in data collection techniques for SRGBV
Presenter: Julianne Norman
Session: Cultivating dynamic educators: case studies in teacher behavior change in Africa and Asia
Presentation: Understanding and Influencing Teacher Behavior Change: A career-wide view for sustainable teacher behavior change
Presenter: Sarah Pouezevara
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Session: Teacher education programmes: lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Europe
Presentation: Small non-residential trainings vs. large residential training: Findings from action research in Uganda
Presenter: Robinah Kyeyune
Session: Teacher professional development at scale: lessons learned in improving teacher practice in low and middle income countries
Presentation: Training teachers or robots: Unexpected findings of a 7 country teacher professional development study
Presenter: Benjamin Piper, Jessica Mejia
Session: Scaling up early grade reading interventions in Uganda
Presentation: Developing Quality Instructional Materials in 12 Languages: Scaling up a mother-tongue based early grade reading program in a multilingual context
Presenter: Robinah Kyeyune
Session: Improving pre-primary education quality in Tanzania
Presentation: Producing learning at scale sustainably: pre-primary education system in Tanzania
Presenter: Bidemi Carrol
Session: Sustainable development through measurement in learning: perspectives from international organizations and country
Presentation: Benefits (and Costs) of improved data for tracking SDG4
Presenter: Luis Crouch