Improving water sector governance to achieve water security
Supporting good governance is a core strength of RTI — both in the water sector and beyond. We view an effectively governed water sector as one that promotes transparency, encourages stakeholder participation, prioritizes sustainability, and adopts inclusive and data-driven processes to inform decisions and policies.
RTI partners with governments, service providers, and other key stakeholders to advance plans and policies that ultimately lead to greater access to water and sanitation services.
Creating evidenced-based enabling environments for well-governed water sectors
Our customized tools — including those that support political economy analyses, advocacy, policy reviews, and legal framework reviews — help policymakers develop evidence-based laws and policies that support more effective management, stakeholder engagement, and accountability in water sectors. These laws and policies create enabling environments for water sectors to deliver sustainable and equitable water services.
In Jordan, RTI conducted an institutional assessment that helped develop effective utility regulations, strategic master plans, and good governance principles — providing a foundation for the eventual transformation of the country’s water sector. And in Nigeria we pioneered the development and implementation of state-level laws that established greater autonomy for water utilities, laying the groundwork for the overall improvement of service delivery.
Sustaining WASH sector governance through citizen engagement
Transparency, accountability, data-informed decision making, and citizen engagement are essential parts of a well-governed water sector. We help set up systems and best practices to monitor sector performance, while engaging and empowering the private sector, media, and civil society in these processes. In Nigeria, for example, we helped establish community-based service delivery monitoring committees and supported civil society organizations to conduct advocacy that advanced sector reform and improved citizen engagement.
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