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Expanding Access to Affordable and Clean Electricity in East and Central Africa 

The Power Africa Empower East and Central Africa (EECA) project is helping countries develop their ​​renewable energy sources and scale on- and off-grid energy solutions to fuel inclusive, low-carbon economic growth


End energy poverty, accelerate a carbon-free future, and boost energy sector investment and innovation in East and Central Africa.


Increase affordable energy access for households, businesses, and human services; increase clean energy generation and support just clean energy transitions; and improve private sector engagement and other enabling factors in the energy sector.  


Deliver 11.5 million on- and off-grid connections, provide 50 million people with access to new or improved electricity from cleaner sources, and mobilize $4.7 billion in public and private investment.  


Nearly half of all Africans without access to electricity live in East and Central Africa. With abundant renewable energy sources and growing demand for electricity, countries in these regions could lead the clean energy transition in Africa by building modern, reliable, and affordable renewable energy systems that support inclusive economic growth and improve lives.  

The Power Africa Empower East and Central Africa (EECA) is a five-year project ​​(2023–2028) helping East and Central Africa deliver on the promise of renewable energy by bringing down the cost of clean energy generation, scaling on- and off-grid energy solutions, and mobilizing more investment in the energy sector.  It builds on RTI’s experience helping advance energy access and affordability through the Power Africa Off-Grid Project and Power Africa East Africa Energy Program.  

Public and private investment will fund infrastructure improvements like new transmission lines and energy capacity to deliver more reliable, affordable, and clean electricity to homes, businesses, health clinics, and schools that will power inclusive economic growth.  

Accelerating a carbon-free future​ for East and Central Africa​

By helping countries develop renewable energy sources and generation capacity, EECA is helping Africa reduce, sequester, or avoid 6.5 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions – the equivalent of taking a 1.5 million cars off the road for a year. The project is also expanding low-carbon economic growth, green jobs, and transportation across East and Central Africa for a carbon-free future.  

Increasing energy equity by reaching marginalized communities

EECA focuses on integrating marginalized communities, including youth, women, refugees and more, and increasing equity in the energy sector through locally led approaches to expanding energy access. For example, the project is helping utilities engage underserved communities. Market assessments of underserved areas combined with pilot activities to engage them in decision-making and solutions will help utilities and companies extend affordable access to more households, businesses, and other services. 


Learn more about RTI's Center for Climate Solutions and our energy work