American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) 2023 Annual Meeting
Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 E Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60601
United States
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) is hosting its 2023 annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois, from October 18-22. Professionals in global health, tropical medicine, and hygiene will convene for sessions on the latest products, services, and innovations that have impacted the fields. RTI experts will present our work to strengthen global health response, security, surveillance, and more. We’ll also have a booth in the exhibit hall, so if you’re attending, stop by booth 420 to meet our team and learn more about our global health portfolio.
Importance of country preparedness in handling health emergency, the 2023 Ebola outbreak in Uganda
October 19, 2023 | 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM
RTI presenters: Donal Bisanzio, Sharone Backers, Richard Reithinger
Investigating the role of human movement on diseases transmission dynamic in Kenya, a tool for outbreak preparedness
October 19, 2023 | 11:15 AM – 1:00 PM
RTI presenter: Donal Bisanzio
Methods for trachoma surveys among mobile and migrant populations of Kween and Bulambuli Districts, Eastern Uganda
October 21, 2023 | 4:00 – 5:45 PM
RTI presenter: Stephen Begumisa
Increasing malaria cases in Thailand’s western border provinces during COVID-19
October 22, 2023 | 12:00 PM – 1:45 PM
RTI co-authors: Sathapana Naowarat, Jui Shah
Enhanced active case detection to eliminate malaria in Yala province, Thailand
October 19, 2023 | 9:15 AM – 11:00 AM
RTI coauthors: Sathapana Naowarat, Hope Simpson, Donal Bisanzio, Jui Shah
Stratification mapping in Thailand to support prevention of malaria re-establishment
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI co-authors: Donal Bisanzio, Jui Shah
Results from an enhanced trachoma impact survey in four low prevalence districts of Mozambique, 2022
October 21, 2023 | 3:15 – 5:00 PM
RTI co-authors: Mawo Fall, Tamimo Momade, Bay Zulficar, Rebecca Flueckiger, William Oswald
Building the capacity of community influencers to increase the equity and impact of Uganda's trachoma response
October 22, 2023 | 12:45 – 2:30 PM
RTI co-authors: Joyce Achan, Edwin Mayoki, Stephen Begumisa, Sharone Backers, Stella Agunyo, Alex Rutagwabeyi, Clara Burgert, Brian Allen, Erica Shoemaker, Jeremiah Ngondi
Seroincidence of Salmonella enterica serovars Typhi and Paratyphi in children in Kenya
October 19, 2023 | 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM
RTI co-author: Donal Bisanzio
Drones and dengue: Piloting the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to map trash distribution and dengue virus risk in rural and urban Kenya
October 22, 2023 | 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM
RTI co-author: Donal Bisanzio
Dengue, chikungunya, and malaria in Kenya: co-exposure and co-infection status
October 22, 2023 | 11:45 AM – 1:30 PM
RTI co-author: Donal Bisanzio
Addressing the last mile challenge for Onchocerciasis Elimination: Leveraging Digitalized Supervisor Coverage Tool for MDA Improvement and strengthening Community Drug Distributors (CDD) performance in Mahenge Focus, Tanzania
October 21, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
RTI presenter: Dorica Burengelo
Assessing increasing trends in reported malaria cases and the effects of increased service utilization in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
October 19, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Yves Ilunga
Assessing realized and potential niche of pathogens of public health importance to design surveillance tool for acute febrile illness in Nigeria
October 21, 2023 | 11:00AM – 12:45PM
RTI presenter: Lauren Courtney
Better Data, Better Decisions: Using Electronic Data Collection to Advance LF Elimination in Haiti
October 21, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
RTI presenter: Carl Renand Fayette
Community in acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination in Sedhiou, southern Senegal: strategy, cost analysis, lessons learned
October 21, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
RTI presenter: Cheikh Gassama
Enhancing Timeliness of Reporting for Trachoma Mass Drug Administration (MDA) through Electronic Data Capture (EDC): A pilot study in two districts of Uganda
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Edwin Mayoki Andama
Evolution of the quality of malaria data reported in DHIS2 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 2018 to 2022 assessed through data quality score
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Yves Ilunga
Experience on the use of RDT for decision making in determining OV transmission in Njombe Town Council
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Julius Mansanika
A framework for pathogen selection using TaqMan Array Cards for surveillance of acute febrile illness in Nigeria
October 21, 2023 | 11:00AM – 12:45PM
RTI presenter: Lauren Courtney
Integration of assessment of Lymphatic Filariasis morbidity in community-based surveys for the successful elimination of disease in Tanzania
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Veronica Kabona
Monitoring Trachoma Mass Administration (MDA) using an electronic Supervisor Coverage Tool (SCT)
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Joyce Achan
Understanding the role of population migration in diseases diffusion: Fine-Scale Delineation of Trachoma Prevalence by Confirmatory Mapping in Eleven Districts Contagious to Districts With High Baseline Prevalence in Tanzania
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Ambakisye Mhiche
Use of biomarkers to monitor trachoma prevalence after implementation of more frequent than annual MDA in Maasai communities in northern Tanzania
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM
RTI presenters: William Oswald, Veronica Kabona
The implementation of community delivery of intermittent c(IPT) among pregnant women in remote rural areas: The Senegal experience
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Seynabou Gaye
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptability Among Health Workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo
October 21, 2023 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM
RTI presenters: Kristen Stolka
From Priority to Practice: Making application of digital platforms for improving Trachoma MDA performance a reality towards addressing End game challenges in Longido, Tanzania
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM
RTI co-authors: Ambakisye Mhiche, Veroncia Kabona, Shabbir Lalji, Julius Masanika, William Oswald, Jeremiah Ngondi
Building the capacity of National Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Facilitators to improve NTD MDA outcomes
October 19, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI co-author: Wemaeli Mweteni
Virtual Directly Observed Therapy Pilot during Lymphatic Filariasis Mass Drug Administration
October 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Alain Javel
Preventive chemotherapy for Trachoma in mobile and migratory populations: A collaborative approach between countries
October 21, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM
RTI presenter: Joyce Achan
Digitization of the national long-lasting insecticidal net mass distribution campaign in Guinea: process, challenges, and lessons learned
October 19, 2023 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM
RTI presenters: Mamadou Sitan Keita, Mamadou Bhoye Diallo
Impact of Wuchereria bancrofti infection on cervical mucosal immunity of women in Lindi, Tanzania
October 22, 2023 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM
RTI presenter: Upendo Mwingira
A Global Health Two-fer: How Integrating Health Campaigns Delivers on both Desired Programmatic Intervention Coverage and Greater Sustainability
October 19, 2023 | 3:00 – 4:45 PM
RTI presenter: Richard Reithinger
Overcoming the challenges of PC-NTD hotspots
October 22, 2023 | 8:00 – 9:45 AM
RTI presenter: Upendo Mwingira
Reaching conflict affected areas for neglected tropical diseases, malaria, and polio - barriers to elimination
October 19, 2023 | 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM
RTI presenter: Michael French
Reaching indigenous populations with NTDs interventions
October 19, 2023 | 8:00 – 9:45 AM
RTI presenter: Upendo Mwingira
Vector Control and Surveillance: The Role of Entomology in Onchocerciasis and Its Implication for Verification of Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination
October 22, 2023 | 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM
RTI presenters: Moses Katabarwa, Upendo Mwingira
Global Health: Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases
October 22, 2023 | 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM
RTI presenter: Richard Reithinger
What can programmatic data tell us about links between never treatment and infection?
October 19, 2023 | 5:50 – 7:35 PM
RTI presenter: Molly Brady
Trachoma impact and surveillance: Lessons learned from survey failures
October 22, 2023 | 9:25 – 11:10 AM
RTI presenter: Clara Burgert
Projects to Improve Global Health
- A Public Health Win-Win: Integrating Life-Saving Immunizations with Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Campaigns in Children in Guinea
- Centers for Research In Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID) Coordinating Center
- ENVISION: A World Free of Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Act to End Neglected Tropical Diseases | East
- Fighting COVID-19 in the Philippines
- Harnessing Surveillance Data to Eliminate Malaria in Thailand and Lao PDR
- Advancing Global Health Security