As both a global research institute and a leading international development organization, RTI combines our project implementation and technical expertise with those of our partners to co-create smart, shared solutions for a more prosperous, equitable, and resilient world.
For over 30 years, we have collaborated with clients and partners in Guinea to advance sustainable, multi-sectoral solutions for the most difficult development challenges. In all that we do, we strive for transformative change built on equity and inclusion. Learn more about our global reach.
Our experience and recent project implementation include:
Education in Guinea
- Strengthened strategic planning and decision-making processes in the central and decentralized offices of the Ministry of Education and set up planning methods for improved resource allocation under the USAID Improved Sectoral Strategic Planning and Decision Making in Primary Education program.
- Led the development and oversight of a data collection, analysis, and dialogue-based feedback system, which tracked progress in 650 beneficiary communities under the USAID Community Support and Equity in Guinean Primary Education Program.
Energy in Guinea
- Lead implementer of the Power Africa Off-Grid Program, helping to bring clean power to six million sub-Saharan households and businesses that are otherwise unable to access electricity from their local utilities, including in Guinea.
Food Security, Agriculture, and Resilience in Guinea
- Led the Multi-Sectoral Interventions to Advance Democratic Governance in Guinea (Faisons Ensemble) project focused on improving service delivery through multi-sectoral interventions. In the agriculture sector, we worked to strengthen the capacity of extension agents so that they could provide personalized and high-level technical, management, and material support to farmers. Training topics included small farm management, production and promotion of community seed banks, rural extension and adult education, governance, land and natural resource management, and mapping of community forests.
Health in Guinea
- Partnering with Guinea’s Ministry of Health to catalyze sustainable improvements in the quality, accessibility, and affordability of health care in Guinea through the USAID Notre Santé program.
- Leader in malaria elimination and prevention for over 15 years. We led the President’s Malaria Initiative-funded StopPalu+ project and StopPalu program, supporting the distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets, increasing the use of preventive malaria treatments for pregnant women during prenatal care visits, providing seasonal malaria chemoprevention to children under five, increasing prompt care-seeking and treatment, increasing community involvement in malaria prevention and care, and building the Ministry of Health’s capacity to manage, implement and monitor prevention, care and treatment activities. Learn how StopPalu adapted using lessons from the Ebola outbreak.
- With funding from the President’s Malaria Initiative, under the Multi-Sectoral Interventions to Advance Democratic Governance in Guinea (Faisons Ensemble) program, we strengthened voluntary counseling and testing centers to improve their services and trained health personnel on roles and responsibilities of health management committees. To improve coverage of malaria prevention and treatment interventions, the project trained community agents in behavior change communication (BCC), malaria prevention, rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), treatment using artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), and monitoring and evaluation.
- Built stable foundations for global health security in those areas most at risk for deadly pathogens including in Guinea where we worked with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to strengthen Guinea’s in-country capacity to effectively prevent, detect, and respond to disease outbreaks, health threats, and public health emergencies, including Ebola.
- Since 2005, RTI International has provided technical assistance to the Seroprevalence and Behavioral Epidemiology Risk Surveys (SABERS) program and supported the development and implementation of SABERS survey instruments in 18 countries, including Guinea. We collaborated with the Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program and host country military and health care leadership to develop a fully tested, culturally appropriate survey and data collection instrument and built local capacity by identifying and training local interviewers.
- Worked with USAID and country partners to prevent and control neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) through the ENVISION program. In Guinea, we provided technical and operational support and worked with Helen Keller International to complete mapping of the prevalence of all five NTDs across the country and to scale up treatment where needed. Guinea successfully piloted a triple-therapy approach (ivermectin, praziquantel, albendazole) to mass drug administration (MDA) and scaled up this strategy to 19 health districts with ENVISION support.
Governance in Guinea
- Led the Multi-Sectoral Interventions to Advance Democratic Governance in Guinea (Faisons Ensemble) project focused on improving service delivery through multi-sectoral interventions in governance, health, education, agriculture, and natural resource management that strengthened the ability of civil society to advocate for improved government accountability, transparency, and efficiency at the local, regional, and national levels. The project promoted change at the community level which led to significant results in the absence of a favorable national level enabling environment. It also demonstrated that approaches that focus on strengthening capacity and raising awareness—with a view to empowering local communities—can be effective.