Working to identify and eliminate PFAS in drinking water sources
Sources of Drinking Water Contamination & Their Negative Health Effects
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of human-made compounds that are concerning to public health. PFAS have been used in common household products for decades, including non-stick cookware, food packaging, carpeting, and clothing. Experts have identified many different sources of PFAS in water, including industrial discharges to air and water, aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) used in firefighting, landfills, septic tanks, and municipal wastewater. As a result, PFAS have been found in both surface water and groundwater. Individuals may be more likely to be exposed to PFAS from their drinking water if they live near a chemical manufacturing facility, military base, airport, fire station, agricultural area where municipal biosolids are applied, or another area where PFAS are used, stored, or were disposed of in the past. Exposure to certain PFAS in water may increase the chances of health problems such as thyroid disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, reduced immune response to vaccines, and cancer. In 2016, a non-regulatory Health Advisory Level of 70 ng/L was set for the combined concentration of PFOS and PFOA in drinking water. In April of 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its first ever regulation for six PFAS compounds in drinking water.
Testing for PFAS in Water
To help characterize PFAS in drinking water, RTI expanded its award-winning Clean Water for U.S. Kids program and partnered with Dr. Jackie MacDonald Gibson at Indiana University to sample drinking water for PFAS using a participatory science approach. Community scientists collect and ship water samples to RTI laboratories where PFAS can be detected using EPA-approved, state-of-the-science methods. Furthermore, our experts are working to develop models that estimate past PFAS exposures from drinking water, along with a risk mapper using geographic information systems. For more information, go to
We also work to develop and test innovative and practical water treatment solutions that can reduce drinking water exposures.
Learn more about our solutions addressing water quality.
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