SAMHSA's 20th Prevention Day
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
201 Waterfront Street
National Harbor, MD 20745
United States
The overdose epidemic is continuing to grow and evolve, resulting in devastating consequences for communities across the United States. The implementation of evidence-based strategies for preventing substance use initiation—especially among populations at risk for misuse—is essential for effectively addressing the crisis.
At the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) 20th Prevention Day on January 29, policymakers, researchers, and state and community leaders will gather for the largest annual substance use prevention event. The day-long summit will feature nearly 100 presentations focused on this year’s theme of Leading with Science. Improving Lives.
RTI experts are excited to attend the 2024 SAMHSA Prevention Day to network with colleagues, clients, and partners in the field of substance use prevention and present key innovations and best practices in two workshops. Join our presentations for lessons learned on the design and implementation of substance use prevention programs for at-risk populations and facilitation of the Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs grant program.
Learn more about RTI’s research on substance use prevention.
RTI Presentations
Game-Changing Research in Youth and Early Adulthood Opioid Misuse Prevention: Examples of Innovation from the HEAL Prevention Cooperative
1:30 – 2:30 PM ET | National Harbor 10
Presenters: Jessica Cance, PhD; Phillip Graham, DrPH; Lynn Fiellin, MD (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth); Margaret Kuklinski, PhD (University of Washington School of Social Work)
A video game that rewards positive choices and promotes youth resilience. An opportunity for a young person to reconnect their tribal heritage through sacred rituals. Substance use screening as part of a visit to the emergency room or an appointment to see a behavioral therapist. These are a few examples of avenues that researchers are testing and developing as innovative strategies for preventing opioid misuse and opioid use disorders in youth and young adult populations.
The National Institutes of Health’s Helping to End Addiction Long-term® Prevention Cooperative (HPC) consists of 10 research projects testing and developing evidence-based strategies to deliver preventative interventions to youth across the United States. This session will highlight advancements in research and practical lessons for designing and conducting substance use prevention programs for youth and young adult populations with distinct risk profiles. Each panelist’s talk will align with a manuscript recently published in a Prevention Science Supplemental Issue dedicated to the HPC’s work advancing the field of substance use prevention.
Addressing Prescription Drug Misuse: Lessons Learned from Grantees of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs Program
2:45 – 3:45 PM ET | Potomac D
Presenters: Maggie McGinnis (SAMHSA); Elvira Elek, PhD; Shirley Liu; Sarah Mariana (Washington State Health Care Authority)
Misuse of prescription opioids remains a substantial contributor to the opioid overdose crisis in the United States. The Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs (SPF Rx) grant program provides resources for states, tribal entities, and their subrecipient communities to address prescription drug misuse. In fiscal year 2021, SAMHSA funded a cohort of 21 SPF Rx grantees, including 18 state agencies and three tribal organizations. This presentation will describe the activities implemented and barriers experienced by the facilitators during the SPF Rx 2021 cohort of grantees and subrecipients to help guide others interested in prescription drug misuse.
Grantees moved towards full SPF Rx implementation quickly, as 18 of the 21 grantees implemented activities under all five SPF steps within the first year of their grant. In addition to aggregate findings across SPF Rx grantees, state grantees will provide examples of their SPF Rx interventions and experiences. This presentation will conclude with recommendations for funders and substance use prevention implementers about potential interventions to implement, facilitators that may help implementation, and barriers that they may need to address when looking to reduce prescription drug misuse in their communities.
Learn more about our data-driven strategies to prevent substance use initiation
- The HEAL Initiative
- Prevention Science Supplemental Issue Reflects Research Collaborative’s Commitment to Developing and Testing Interventions to Prevent Opioid Misuse
- The RTI Rarity™ Project: Next-Generation Health Equity Measurement & Analysis
- New Paper Evaluates Communication Campaign Strategies to Address the Opioid Crisis
- An Alternative to Opioids: Targeting Cannabinoid Receptors for Relief of Neuropathic Pain