Practices to Maintain Excellence During Remote Learning Series | Workshop 4: Feedback and Reflection to Drive Engagement in Remote Learning
Making the transition from in-person instruction to remote learning can be challenging. However, by drawing on elements of effective classroom instruction to inform and adapt practice, educators can engage students in relevant and rigorous learning despite distance. Learn best practices to engage with your students in new ways and support their continued growth by creating meaningful virtual learning experiences with our free, virtual workshop series.
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Workshop 4:
Feedback and Reflection to Drive Engagement in Remote Learning
Existing research indicates that timely feedback, sound formative assessment practices, and reflection on both content and process can lead to significant improvements in student outcomes, while helping to narrow the achievement gap. Especially with virtual learning, intentional and ongoing interactions between teachers and students, through assessment, feedback, and reflection, are the hallmarks of a sound metacognitive approach to teaching and learning. This session will provide educators with tools, tips, and strategies to check for understanding and provide meaningful feedback to drive engaging virtual learning experiences.
Where: Virtual
Cost to participate: Free
View more of the "Practices to Maintain Excellence During Remote Learning" series:
Workshop 1: Relationship Building in Remote Learning Environments
Workshop 2: Engaging Students in Rigorous & Relevant Virtual Learning Experiences
Workshop 3: Effective Instructional Design in a Virtual Space