MSS 2024
40 Dock Road
V&A Waterfront
Cape Town
South Africa
As an industry-leading expert in market system resilience, RTI is pleased to sponsor the 2024 Market Systems Symposium (MSS). The Symposium will convene a global audience of practitioners, donors, and other subject-matter experts to leverage collective wisdom and experience to advance the dialogue on market systems development and strive for innovative solutions. New to MSS this year are thematic summits, which will serve as interactive deep dives on key topics shaping the field.
MSS Key Themes:
- Climate Change
- Conflict-Affected Contexts
- Food Security and Food Systems
Focus Considerations:
- Household and Market Systems Resilience
- Financial Market Systems
- Migration & Urbanization
- Water & Energy Systems
- Trade & Investment
Cross-cutting Themes:
- Social Inclusion
- Adaptive Management
- Private & Public Sector Engagement
- Employment & Livelihoods
- Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
RTI at MSS 2024
October 22
- Summit: Leveraging Significant Change in Social Inclusion using MSD Approaches
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM SAST
RTI presenters: Tim Shumaker, Beatrice Tonui Summit: Key Developments in Strengthening Food Systems Resilience
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM SAST
RTI presenter: Tebeje Nigussie KibruDeep Dive Dialogue on Water & Sanitation using Market Systems Development (MSD) Approaches
2:00 - 3:30 PM SAST
RTI presenter: Beatrice Tonui
October 23
Project Directors / Team Leaders / Chiefs of Party Peer-to-Peer Dialogue
1:00 - 1:45 PM SAST
RTI presenter: Tim Shumaker
October 24
Plenary Interview: Adaptive Management: Practical Adaptations & Innovations
9:00 - 9:40 AM SAST
RTI presenter: Joanna SpringerPlenary Interview: Impact Leverage through MSD Collaboration: Global Case Studies
9:40 - 10:15 AM SAST
RTI presenter: Tebeje Nigussie KibruSummit: Urban Landscapes Under Increasing Pressures
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM SAST
RTI presenter: Aleisha Khan (chair)