Governance & Sector Outcomes: Making the Connections
RTI International
701 13th St. NW
Suite 750
Washington, DC 20005
United States
A critical issue in international development is how donor-funded programs can support sustainable and long-lasting changes in assisted countries. Among the factors associated with sustainability is improved governance. However, many donor-funded initiatives are focused on achieving results in specific sectors, such as health, education, and agriculture. How can how governance interventions contribute to achieving sector-specific results?
Join us for a discussion of how international development practice has incorporated recognition of the links between governance and sector outcomes. We will present a stylized continuum of how governance elements relate to sector interventions and contribute to expected outcomes, and discuss factors that either impede or impel governance integration. Our panelists will offer a range of perspectives drawing on their extensive experience with design and implementation of both governance and sector-specific programs.
Lisa McGregor-Mirghani, Senior Governance Specialist, RTI International
Derick W. Brinkerhoff, Distinguished Fellow, RTI International
Anna Wetterberg, Senior Social Scientist, RTI International
Jodi Charles, Senior Health Systems Advisor, USAID
Jean-Michel Dufils, Chief of Party, USAID/Senegal GOLD project, RTI International
Corinne Rothblum, Democracy & Governance Officer, USAID