ASTMH 2024
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene will host its annual meeting of researchers and practitioners specializing in tropical medicine, global health, and hygiene to share knowledge and explore new ideas. RTI experts will present work to strengthen global health response, security, surveillance, and more. We’ll also have a booth in the exhibit hall, so if you’re attending, stop by booth 507 to meet our team and learn more about our global health portfolio.
Improving the approach to monitor and report on coverage of malaria intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy: Time for a rethink
November 14 | 9:32 AM CT
Convention Center 393/394
RTI co-authors: Donal Bisanzio, Richard Reithinger
Use of a One Health approach to detect eight novel high-risk pathogens in acute febrile patients in Nigeria
November 14 | 3:00 – 3:15 PM CT
Convention Center 388/389
RTI co-authors: Claire Quiner, Jean Kim, Lauren Courtney, Kat Asman, Adamu Ephrain, Emmanuel Oga
Global Health: Global health security, emerging infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness
November 14 | 3:00 - 4:45 PM CT
Convention Center 388/389
RTI presenter: Claire Quiner
The impact of seasonal malaria chemoprevention on the educational outcomes of school-aged children in Sub-Saharan Africa
November 15 | 11:30 – 11:45 AM CT
Convention Center 393/394
RTI co-authors: Donal Bisanzio, Richard Reithinger
From Mapping to Near Trachoma Elimination in Under a Decade: Results from Trachoma Prevalence Surveys in Cote d’Ivoire from 2015-2023
November 16 | 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-author: Clara Burgert
Evaluating the accuracy of clinical malaria diagnoses using TaqMan® Array Card Molecular Detection in Nigeria
November 16 | 5:30 – 5:45 PM CT
Convention Center 354/355
RTI co-authors: Emmanuel Oga, Lauren Courtney, Kat Asman, Claire Quiner, Jean Kim, Adamu Ephraim
Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, practices and factors contributing towards ongoing trachoma transmission and mass drug administration (MDA) coverage in Uganda
November 14 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Joyce Achan, Stephen Begumisa, Edwin Mayoki, Stella Agunyo, Sharone Backers, Alex Rutagwabeyi, Elizabeth Sutherland, Danielle Epps, Kathryn Crowley, Meagan Meekins, Jessica Douglas, Jeremiah Ngondi
Characterization of a filaria-specific Onchocerca volvulus protein as potential biomarker for active infection
November 14 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI presenter: Adebiyi Adeniran
Effect of rainfall and temperature anomalies on malaria incidence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
November 14 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Donal Bisanzio, Carrie Ngongo, Gabriella Corrigan, Julie Niemczura, Brian Hutchinson
Improving the approach to monitor and report on coverage of malaria intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy: Time for a rethink
November 14 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Donal Bisanzio, Richard Reithinger
Implementation of the schistosomiasis practical and precision assessment guidance for assessment of the impact of mass drug administration on schistosomiasis in five districts of Tanzania
November 14 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Veronica Kabona, Allison Shaffer, Upendo Mwingira, Julius Masanika, Shabbir Lalji
Determinants of non-use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN) among mothers of children under five years old: A secondary analysis of data from the USAID Notre Santé Knowledge Attitudes and Practices survey
November 14 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Datolo Kone, Elizabeth Fitch, Richard Reithinger, Aguima Tankoano, Mamadou Sitan, Sylvestre Sandouno, Souleymane Berete
A mixed-method study to determine causes of death using minimal invasive tissue sampling and verbal autopsy in the Bono East Region, Ghana
November 14 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center: Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Tia Paganelli, Norman Goco
Using minimally invasive tissues sampling to determine causes of deaths in the Middle-belt of Ghana: Implementation successes, challenges and opportunities
November 14 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center: Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Tia Paganelli, Norman Goco
Factors associated with persistent and recrudescent active trachoma: Results from adaptive coverage evaluation surveys in Uganda
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center: Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Stephen Begumisa, Joyce Achan, Stella Agunyo, Edwin Mayoki, Alex Rutagwabeyi, Clara Burgert, Allison Shaffer, Erica Shoemaker, Jessica Douglas, Upendo Mwingira, Jeremiah Ngondi
Brugia Impact Survey as an alternative method for filariasis transmission assessment survey in Indonesia
November 15 | 12:00 - 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center: Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Endri Budiwan, Ria Lasarati, Ahmad Junaedi, Clara Burgert, Molly Brady, Herty Herjat
Novel approach to surveillance and response in potential ‘hot spot’ areas post lymphatic filariasis sass drug administration in two districts in Tanzania
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center: Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Dorica Burengelo, Casmil Masayi, Veronica Kabona, Julius Masanika, Shabbir Lalji, Molly Brady
Trachoma zones of concern: Identifying areas of trachoma risk before and after elimination using novel geospatial analysis
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center: Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Clara Burgert, Donal Bisanzio, Rachel Stelmach, Rebecca Flueckiger, Jeremiah Ngondi
Lessons learned from electronic collection of individual data to enhance mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis in Haiti
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center: Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Eurica Denis, Alain Javel, Molly Brady, Alyssa Lindrose, Carl Fayette, Briana Stone, Erica Shoemaker, Uder Antoine
Strengthening the laboratory diagnosis of malaria in Guinea: The key role played by WHO-certified local experts
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Fakouma Camara, Mamadou Sitan Keita, Souleymane Berete, Olivier Byicaza, Daouda N'Diaye, Amadou Diallo, Sekouba Cisse, Ibrahima Bah, Elizabeth Fitch, Richard Reithinger, Datolo Kone
Using malaria routine data quality audits to improve malaria data quality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Bruno Kapinga, Yves Ilunga
Adapting new LF survey guidance to country context: Lessons learned from piloting the Epidemiological Monitoring Survey in Nepal
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Sudip Khatiwada, Achut Ojha, Molly Brady, Nandini Pillai, Alexis Serna
Serological evidence for disappearing Onchocerca volvulus (OV) transmission among human population of eastern and Western Usambara (Tanga Focus) of Tanzania
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Ambakisye Mhiche, Upendo Mwingira
Coverage evaluation survey of lymphatic filariasis re- mass drug administration after pre-TAS failure in four districts of Mozambique, 2023
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Clecio Sitoe, Mawo Fall, Tamimo Momade, Erica Shoemaker, Nafissa Johnson, Molly Brady
Non-household environments promote dengue transmission: Implications for vector control
November 15 | 12:00 – 1:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-author: Donal Bisanzio
Barriers to morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP) care in Benishangul Gumuz Region, Ethiopia
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Molly Brady, Wasihun Toli, Belete Mammo, Shambel Belete, Abebual Yilak, Alyssa Lindrose, Elizabeth Sutherland, Misbah Noor, Meagan Meekins, Biruck Kebede, Tibebu Alemayehu
The role of antibody data for improved understanding of recrudescent active trachoma in Nebbi district of Uganda
November 16 | 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Joyce Achan, Stephen Begumisa, Sharone Backers, Stella Agunyo, Upendo Mwingira, William Oswald, Jeremiah Ngondi
Impact of climate variables on Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey (1999 - 2022)
November 16 | 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-author: Donal Bisanzio
Overcoming diagnostic challenges with acute febrile illness in Nigeria: What can we learn from the SAFIAN study?
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Lauren Courtney, Emmanuel Oga, Kat Asman, Claire Quiner, Jean Kim, Adamu Ephraim
Lessons learned from subdividing evaluation units for effective lymphatic filariasis interventions in Haiti
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Eurica Davis, Alain Javel, Molly Brady, Alyssa Lindrose, Carl Fayette, Clara Burgert, Uder Antoine, Briana Stone
Assessing the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s malaria monitoring and evaluation system using the Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Toolkit (MECAT)
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Bruno Kapinga, Yves Ilunga
An analysis of rickettsial infections among febrile patients in Nigeria
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Lauren Courtney, Emmanuel Oga, Kat Asman, Claire Quiner, Jean Kim
Factors associated with the performance of malaria case management by community health workers in the district of Fria, Guinea
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Mamadou Keita, Souleymane Berete, Sekouba Cisse, Daouda N'Diaye, Hamadou Barry, Datolo Kone, Elizabeth Fitch, Richard Reithinger
Effect of mobile populations on stopping MDA for LF/OV in Cross River State
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Scott McPherson, Kemisola Fagbohun, Wangeci Thuo, Chukuwuma Okonkwo, Danielle Epps
Eliminating onchocerciasis (OV) in Nigeria: Successes, failures, and learnings from Cross River State (CRS)
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Scott McPherson, Chukwuma Okonkwo, Wangeci Thuo, Joseph Mfon, Nnanke Etimita, Kemisola Fagbohun, Danielle Epps
Seasonal malaria among school-aged children in six Western conflict-affected border provinces in Thailand
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Sathapana Naowarat, Jessica Craig, Adam Preston
Associations between environmental temperature, rainfall, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Carrie Ngongo, Donal Bisanzio, Gabriella Corrigan, Brian Hutchinson
Understanding associations between environmental temperature, rainfall, and newborn health outcomes in Senegal
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Carrie Ngongo, Mary Catharine McKeithen, Donal Bisanzio, Abdou Gueye, Gabriella Corrigan, Algaye Ngom, Mamoudou Aw, Garrison Spencer
Comparative assessment of the occurrence and distribution of acute febrile illness-causing pathogens in Northern and Southern Nigeria
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Lauren Courtney, Emmanuel Oga, Kat Asman, Claire Quiner, Jean Kim
A novel modeling framework to simulate the effects of HIV stigma on HIV transmission dynamics
November 16 | 11:00 am - 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Donal Bisanzio, Sarah Roberts, Geogriy Bobashev, Rachel Stelmach, Joella Adams, Katherine Karriker-Jaffer, Stacy Endres-Dighe, Khalida Saalim, Natalie Blackburn, Laura Nyblade
Development of data collection tools to characterize climate change resilience in communities and health systems for NTD service delivery
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Will Oswald, Zahra Rashid, Helena Molina, Elizabeth Sutherland, Rebecca Flueckiger, Upendo Mwingira
Results from the Trachoma prevalence surveys in Senegal as it nears elimination
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Mawo Fall, Jeremiah Ngondi
Understanding the shortcomings and good practices from the routine data quality assessment for informed public health decision-making in Guinea in 2023
November 16 | 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Datolo Kone, Elizabeth Fitch
Establishing an evidence standard for determining cause of deaths in adults using minimally invasive tissue sampling: Efforts of the global MITS Surveillance Alliance
November 16 | 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM CT
Convention Center - Hall I-1
RTI co-authors: Tia Paganelli, Norman Goco
Innovative local solutions and novel data use toward last mile efforts in eliminating Neglected Tropical Diseases
November 15 | 4:00 – 5:45 PM CT
Convention Center 388/389
RTI presenter: Whitney Goldman
Leveraging virtual direct observed therapy to strengthen mass drug administration compliance in Haiti
November 15 | 4:50 - 5:10 PM CT
Convention Center 388/389
RTI presenter: Alain Javel
Tackling persistent and recrudescent transmission of NTDs: A growing end-game challenge for elimination of trachoma, lymphatic filariasis and eradication of Guinea worm disease
November 16 | 3:00 – 4:45 PM CT
Convention Center 356
RTI presenter: Jeremiah Ngondi
Minimally invasive tissue sampling: A tool for public health preparedness
November 16 | 3:00 – 4:45 PM CT
Convention Center 383/384/385
RTI presenter: Tia Paganelli
Integrating preventive chemotherapy NTDs into national health systems: Experiences from Uganda and Tanzania
November 16 | 5:55 - 6:15 PM CT
Convention Center 357
RTI presenter: Andrew Kyambadde
Integrating NTDs, malaria and other diseases through a comprehensive primary health care approach in the Philippines
November 16 | 6:15 - 6:35 PM CT
Convention Center 357
RTI presenter: Camille Baladjay
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Learn More
See how Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling (MITS) was used to support local and national health officials during an 2023 outbreak investigation in Kakamega, Kenya in this video created by the MITS Surveillance Alliance.
