2023 NCES STATS-DC Data Conference
Bethesda, MD
United States

Join RTI at the U.S. Department of Education’s 2023 NCES STATS-DC Data Conference to discuss the theme of “Managing the Data Highway.”
This year’s event, held in Bethesda, Maryland from August 9-11, will discuss innovations in data collection, updates on federal and state activities, and technical and policy issues related to the collection, maintenance, and use of education data for researchers, policymakers, and data system managers.
Mark your calendars for RTI’s presentations on topics such as recruitment, data collection strategies, and more.
RTI Presentations
The High School and Beyond Longitudinal Study of 2022 (HS&B:22): Pivoting Recruitment and Data Collection Strategies Through the Pandemic
Thursday, August 10 | 10:15 AM
Presenters: Colleen Spagnardi, Lisa Kessler, Samantha Lako
Location: Room H
Description: A national collection of longitudinal data is challenging in the best of circumstances. HSandB:22, the sixth in NCES' secondary longitudinal studies series, was poised to launch in fall 2020; however, the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted this schedule. As such, HSandB:22 pivoted with the changing landscape to revamp recruiting and data collection strategies to meet the needs of the study, the schools, and the students. HSandB:22 persisted during the two-year pause by maintaining engagement and cooperation with schools and implementing innovative data collection methods that may influence future school-based data collections.
Knowledge Graphs and Survey Studies: Lessons from the NPSAS Knowledge Graph
Thursday, August 10 | 4:30 PM
Presenters: Nestor Ramirez, Naraya Price, Andy Kawabata
Description: Knowledge graphs provide a way to map complex data relationships for rich, emergent querying and knowledge gathering. Many of our long-running surveys and data collection efforts have decades of information and metadata that can be better leveraged using knowledge graphs, allowing for more informed decision-making when planning new iterations of data tasks. This presentation will showcase how graph databases and knowledge graphs can be utilized to inform teams working on long-running studies. The presentation will include examples created using RTI International's prototype for the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study Knowledge Graph.