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Natassia Rodriguez Ott

Natassia Rodriguez Ott

Research Education Analyst


PhD, Sociology, Stanford University
Certificate, Interdisciplinary Predoctoral Training Program in Quantitative Education Policy Analysis, Stanford University
BA, Sociology and Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Natassia Rodriguez Ott is a research education analyst at RTI specializing in research on career pathways, postsecondary credentialing programs, and other student-supportive education-based initiatives. She designs opportunities to define program goals and aligned data collection plans, develop logic models to guide long-term planning, and collaborate with stakeholders. She leverages her expertise in racial and income-based inequality in her research designs and execution. Her quantitative analytic skills range from multivariate analyses to quasi-experimental methods. Dr. Rodriguez Ott is committed to a participatory data collection and analysis process that elevates community voices and supports the outcomes of underserved populations.

Dr. Rodriguez Ott’s recent projects use social justice-oriented and culturally responsive methodologies in research design, data collection, and analysis. As survey lead for an evaluation of the Conservation Corps programs, for example, she included questions regarding belonging and discrimination to explore the extent to which program climate and culture is a factor that may influence participants’ experience. She is also co-leading an evaluation of an NSF INCLUDES Alliance focused on supporting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) opportunities for people impacted by incarceration. 

Before joining RTI in 2017, Dr. Rodriguez Ott served as lead researcher at the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative within the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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